So What Is RCT?
Root Canal Treatment
The root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. The Root Canal Treatment procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp) and cleaning and disinfecting it, then filling and sealing it. The common causes affecting the pulp are a cracked tooth, a deep cavity, repeated dental treatment to the tooth or trauma to it. The term “root canal” comes from cleaning of the canals inside the tooth’s root. Our root canal treatment specialists in Chandigarh will look after your dental problem and help retain a tooth in your mouth.
Decades ago, root canal treatments were painful. With dental advances and local anesthetics, most people have little if any pain with a root canal today.
why it is required?
Signs and Symptoms
of Root Canal Treatment
- Pain
- Badly damaged tooth.
- Sensitivity to hot and cold.
- Color changes.
- Swelling and soreness of gums.
- Swelling around your face and neck
- A hole in your tooth
What is the Procedure of Root Canal Treatment?
The root canal treatment consists of a number of steps that take place over several office visits, depending on the situation. These steps are:
1. The endodontist examines and x-rays the tooth, and then local anesthesia is administered to the affected tooth.
2. A dental dam is usually placed over the affected tooth to isolate it and keep it free from saliva.
3. The endodontist makes an opening through the back of a front tooth or the crown of a molar or pre-molar to remove the diseased pulp, instead of a pulpectomy.
4. Next, the pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned and shaped with the files.
5. The endodontist fills the root canal with gutta-percha material.
6. If more than one visit is needed, a temporary filling is placed in the crown opening to protect the tooth between dental visits.
7. The temporary filling is removed and the pulp chamber and root canal are permanently filled with gutta-percha into each of the canals and is sealed in place with cement. Sometimes a metal or plastic rod is placed in the canal for structural support.
8. In the final step, a crown is usually placed over the tooth to restore its natural shape and appearance. If the tooth is broken, a post may be required to build it up prior to placing a crown
Advantages & Disadvantages
- Saves your natural tooth.
- Relief from debilitating pain and discomfort.
- Avoiding an abscess, the spread of infection, and damage to the oral bone.
- After a root canal procedure is performed on the tooth, the tooth will no longer be vital so it will be brittle. A root canal treated tooth will be more prone to fractures, but it can be reinforced with a post and a porcelain crown.
- If the dental restoration is inadequate, it may breed an infection, which would then require antibiotics and analgesics.
- It requires multiple visits,long time-frames of work and expensive